Voice & Video Services

Start & join meetings for free No account needed. Start meeting. Or book a meeting URL in advance where you are the only moderator. Jitsi as a Service.
Free Video Conferencing Solutions
Go ahead, video chat with the whole team. In fact, invite everyone you know. Jitsi Meet is a fully encrypted, 100% open source video conferencing solution that you can use all day, every day, for free — with no account needed.
What else can you do with Jitsi Meet?
- Share your desktop, presentations, and more
- Invite users to a conference via a simple, custom URL
- Edit documents together using Etherpad
- Pick fun meeting URLs for every meeting
- Trade messages and emojis while you video conference, with integrated chat.
Give it a try
Head over to meet.jit.si and see the service in action before you decide whether you’d like to run your own instance.
Find out more here.
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